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Webinar: DTC Technology Showcase: Buildings as Batteries
February 8, 2023
11:00 – 11:30 am ET
The Buildings as Batteries use case is an innovative approach to digital twins that enables decentralization of power grids at unprecedented speed and scale. This use case provides optimization of the power, thermal, and related aspects for campuses and buildings. Through decentralization, the distribution of energy can be performed at scale. This allows unparalleled energy redistribution speeds and enables the solution to scale up to cities and states.
Originally planned to provide complete power optimization for smart campuses of buildings in New York City, this first use case in our rapidly expanding Technology Showcase reference library has expanded to include the decentralized manufacture of green hydrogen as a fuel source, the power grid enhancements needed to support EV buses, and the energy optimization of refrigeration for the largest food distribution operation in the United States. And all using the same reusable patterns. Destined to expand beyond the borders of the United States, the program epitomizes the recommendation to “Think Big – Start Small – Scale Fast.”
John Reynolds CEO, Agile Fractal Grid
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About The Digital Twin Consortium
Digital Twin Consortium® is The Authority in Digital Twin. It coalesces industry, government and academia to drive consistency in vocabulary, architecture, security and interoperability of digital twin technology. It advances the use of digital twin technology from aerospace to natural resources.
Digital Twin Consortium is open to any business, organization or entity with an interest in digital twins.
Their global membership is committed to using digital twins throughout their operations and supply chains and capturing best practices and standards requirements for themselves and their clients.
Learn more about the Digital Twin Consortium: